Our areas of expertise

- Co-founder and Managing Partner of Cabinet L&M. A and two other lawyers take care of legal matters.
- Assistance and representation for acquisition of mining square and concession.
- Creation, merger, liquidation of mining companies.
- Advice, assistance and representation of mining companies in previous contracts with authorities, empowered and government.
- Advice and representation in the acquisition and sale of mines and mining assets in the DRC.
- Assistance and representation in obtaining the environmental certificate. - Advice in: ESIA (Environmental and Social Impact Assessment) ESMP (Environmental and Social Management Plan) THROUGH - Assistance and representation in obtaining mining or quarry rights
- Assistance for: request for institution of renewal, extension, transfer or lease of mining or quarry rights.
- Assistant and representation in the cadastral investigation
- Assistance and representation in the transfer of mining rights and authorization for quarrying.
In litigation
- Assistance and representation before the courts and tribunals in the various procedures related to mining law.
- Assistance and representation in prior negotiation procedures.
The world has become a global village. It therefore lives, in commercial interaction, the Democratic Republic of Congo has joined the organization for the harmonization of business law in Africa, "OHADA" bringing together African States practicing the same business law; procedures relating to the Law of Cooperative Companies and economic interest groupings, Security Law, simplified recovery procedures and enforcement procedures, collective procedures for the settlement of liabilities, arbitration law and emergency procedures are sufficiently mastered by a firm team at the head of which is its Co-founder and managing partner.
In council
- Assistance and advice in the creation of companies, SARL, SA, SARLU, SC, SAS, establishment and branches.
- Merger, dissolution and liquidation.
- Assistance and advice and representation in the merger, division of companies.
- Commercial purchases and sales
- Commercial contracts (national and international)
- Pledges of shares
- Goods import contracts
- Assistance and representation in ordinary and extraordinary general meetings.
- Contracts and lobbying in (DRC, USA, Canada Belgium)
- Liquidation of commercial companies
- Assistance and representation in the sale and purchase of real estate, aircraft, ships and various transport contracts.
In litigation
- Assistance and representation before commercial courts and tribunals.
- Representation and assistance in arbitration proceedings.
The firm has the necessary expertise to provide clients with the satisfaction they need. To this end, a team of lawyers takes care of all commercial and contractual matters.
In council
- Drafting of commercial contracts
- Assistance and representation in international contracts
- RCCM and national identification
- Creation of companies, branches and establishments
- Dissolution and liquidation of companies
- Merger of companies
- Sale and acquisition of stakes (majority or minority)
- Transaction
- Participation, representation and holding of ordinary and extraordinary general meetings
- Drafting of minutes (AGEO, AGO)
In litigation
- Appearance, representation and postulation before the courts and tribunals of the DRC and the OHADA area - Authentication (notary) of minutes. - Representation in arbitration proceedings - Management of various commercial disputes.
A competent and better equipped real estate team manages real estate business.
In council
- Advice, assistance and representation in the sale and purchase of buildings and land.
- Construction, easement management, joint ownership
- Assistance and representation in construction contracts.
- Commercial, industrial and agricultural rental and lease
In litigation
- Assistance and representation of clients in various cases before the courts and tribunals of the Democratic Republic of Congo and outside the territories of the latter in litigation relating to heritage.
- Delimitation, fixing and establishment of concessions and easements.
- Representation and assistance in public real estate sales.
- Mortgage establishment and lifting.
The firm has a team of lawyers specializing in labor law who deal with all related issues.
In Council
He advises employers and workers on various issues relating to labor disputes and labor law in general.
In Litigation
The firm assists and represents both employers and workers, as the case may be, before the labor inspectorate in the conciliation phase and also represents its clients before labor courts and tribunals.
The firm has a team that is sufficiently equipped in criminal matters.
More essentially, both ordinary criminal procedure and that applied before the courts are mastered.
The Firm ensures the defense of all its clients in proceedings initiated before the various courts, both civil and military, and even before international criminal courts.
Opinions and advice are given after study in the files submitted to him for this purpose.
He ensures the assistance of his clients and their representation in criminal cases for matters admitting these.
The firm has a team that is sufficiently equipped in criminal matters.
More essentially, both ordinary criminal procedure and that applied before the courts are mastered.
The Firm ensures the defense of all its clients in proceedings initiated before the various courts, both civil and military, and even before international criminal courts.
Opinions and advice are given after study in the files submitted to him for this purpose.
He ensures the assistance of his clients and their representation in criminal cases for matters admitting these.
In Council
The firm deals with all questions relating to civil law but especially to civil procedure. In Litigation
The firm provides assistance or representation of its clients before the various national courts on request;
On request, he initiates actions in the name and on behalf of his clients;
He represents his clients before arbitration bodies.
Our firm has a team of lawyers sufficiently experienced in family law.
In council
- Advice and representation in marriage registration procedures.
- Adoptions and affiliation
- Advice on matrimonial regimes
- Succession and donations
- Civil Status Records
- Marriage and Divorce
- Nationality and naturalization
- Change of name
- Sharing of inheritance
- Childcare
In litigation
- Assistance and representation before courts and tribunals.
- Assistance and representation before the Juvenile Court.
- Assistance and representation in divorce proceedings.
- Deeds of notoriety and supplementary judgment.
Air Law is the branch of transport law that governs air transport and the various operations related to it.
The firm has a team that masters air law and provides advice in the following matters:
- Air transport contract (Assistance and representation)
- Assistance and representation in contracts for the lease, purchase and sale of aircraft.
- It also ensures contacts and representations with American and European manufacturers.
A team of lawyers specializing in maritime law deals with various cases in the maritime sector, in accordance with legislative, doctrinal and jurisprudential developments both at national and international level, they advise and assist clients in negotiations and litigation.
In council
- Assistance and representation in different contracts.
- Representation in transactions.